Knowledge Base

Q: Where do I report roadway flooding?

Category: Road & Street
A: Go to the Town website and type the road name into the Street Status search box to determine if the location is maintained by the Town. Once confirmed, report flooding of a Town-maintained road to the Sandwich Department of Public Works using QAlert. The DPW will clear drainage structures on Town roads prior to and during a storm and as needed to maintain the functionality of the system. The Town also cleans excess sediment and debris from drainage structures biennially, or more frequently, as needed. Drainage issues beyond simple maintenance will be inspected and, assessed. Drainage issues that are complex and/or may require extensive construction to mitigate are prioritized and addressed as Town resources allow. Short-term street flooding of leaching-type systems is common after intense rainfall. Roadside catch basins and drainage swales that collect stormwater commonly stay wet for approximately 48 hours
Updated 7/6/2022 12:37 PM
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